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Revolutionizing the Food Industry with Virtual Reality

Artificial Intelligence is modifying our daily lives by making access to data easier and programming algorithms to think and react as a human mind. AI has advanced swiftly over the years and it’s gaining popularity in several areas thanks to innovative discoveries. Only a few short years ago, the concept of AI seemed indifferent to most people. Since then, it is governing countless new opportunities. 

It is also paving its way into the world of food and beverages tremendously. With milk quantities being monitored in dairy farms or manually going through a recipe in the guise of a voice assistant or a chatbot, AI has been consistently transforming the culinary industry. Restaurants are already experimenting usage of edible filaments to print their food, which suggests this technology could ultimately save people plenty of time and effort spent on cooking.

Virtual reality has also brought in numerous unique dining experiences where diners can see a representation of their food through goggles they wear while dining. This function is aided through VR, a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image which enables users to immerse themselves in the scenario. 

Project Nourished by Kokiri Labs is a fascinating project that tries to re-create the comprehensive sensory experience of eating, without the actual food. It is a pioneering journey into a culinary field that strives to revolutionize the future of consuming food. The technology is there to eliminate restrictions, erase boundaries, and provide a renewed focus on the fundamentally social experience that is eating food. 

Founded by Jinsoo An, this virtual reality project hacks each of your senses to present you with a unique food experience with the only restriction being your imagination. The project analyzes how different technologies can be combined to simulate eating experiences, which intends to help people with allergies and dietary restraints.

This dining experience allows people to taste their favourite food like steak, sushi, cakes and even cocktails without the fear of calorie intake. Project Nourished combines virtual reality with molecular gastronomy. The experience can be attained by involving kitchen gadgets such as an aromatic diffuser, a virtual reality headset, and 3D printed food. These pieces of equipment manipulate your body’s sensory inputs and trick your brain into thinking that a cube of agar-agar(a vegan substitute for gelatin) you are munching on is the best-tasting food you’ve ever had. 

With the help of an Oculus Virtual Reality headset along with food detection utensils, motion sensors and aromatic diffusers, this project aspires to help people with food-related illnesses to consume to their heart’s content with zero consequences. Project Nourished’s team also includes a mixologist who will be crafting cocktails crafted from the finest ingredients to get the diners intoxicated without even drinking alcohol. The diner’s physical movements are translated into virtual reality by a gyroscopic utensil and a virtual cocktail glass features built-in sensors to create simulated intoxication. 

The idea is to use a variety of techniques to deceive your mind and palate into assuming that you’re eating something different than what’s actually in your mouth. It is a gastronomic illusion that’s established to trick all five of your senses successfully. The applications and potential benefits are remarkable: weight loss; dependence on sustainable resources such as algae and yeast, and the decrease of ecologically damaging agricultural practices like industrial farming and overfishing; unlimited dietary options for individuals with dietary conditions.

The realistic aspect is accomplished by a combination of several experiences put together by a dynamic team to create a matchless experience. This team includes several artists, chefs, food scientists, sensory processing researchers and audio engineers to strike a balance between form and function. Through bone conduction, vibrations are turned into sounds that are transmitted from the skull to the inner ear while the jaw chops down all the textures. This is made possible by thorough research and the recreation of minute details performed by our bodies. 

AI-based technologies for food and flavour discovery are becoming more widespread, also questioning the possibilities of robots being our potential next generation of tastemakers. The considerable change in the flavour discovery landscape can result in some significant changes in how we perceive food in terms of unusual flavour mixtures and tailored recipes. 

To sum up, AI and digitalization are transforming and reinventing every experience for the customers in more ways than people think. With solutions shaped by human-centric approach, utilization of the very best of global technologies that have been developed to meet ever-growing customer challenges. Arguably, these advancements will provide sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to various aspects of the world food problem

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